
At Ungoaded we love beautiful and well-designed products. We have, however, a strong dislike of mindless consumerism. We believe in slow living and taking a conscious approach to buying. We believe in buying less, but better products – whether that means sustainable and environment-friendly, produced under good working conditions, or empowering women or other marginalized communities. It also often means made by independent makers, with love having gone into the production process and thought into its impact on our world.

We care about attention to detail and truly noticing the now that you are in. As such we do our best to curate a collection of well-considered items for you, to be loved and cherished for years to come. And that in some cases might even change lives.

Loving yourself, to us, is pivotal to everything else. If you don’t take care of yourself, physically and mentally, you can’t be expected to take good care of anything else. Only when you are your best possible self can you make the best possible decisions, for yourself and everything around you. That’s why you also find items catering to self-love here at Ungoaded.

Everything that you find here, we would genuinely love to have in our own home – or already do have – and would much enjoy to gift to others.

We hope that you like our selection, and welcome any suggestions you might have for other items that fit our ethos. Have an idea for a collaboration? We love adventure and exploring new things, so don’t hesitate to shoot us a message.

Love the world, love yourself.
